Caroling, Caroling
by Wihla Hutson & Alfred S. Burt 1954.

TRO (C) Copyright (renewed 1982) and 1957 (renewed 1985) Hollis Music, Inc., New York, N.Y. International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved Including Public Performance for Profit. Used by Permission.

NOTE: In 1954 three Carols "Caroling, Caroling", "We'll Dress the House" and "The Star Carol" were composed. Only The Star Carol was sent out as a Christmas greeting. That Christmas card can be seen on the "The Star Carol" page.

Caroling, caroling, now we go,
Christmas bells are ringing.
Caroling, caroling, through the snow,
Christmas bells are ringing.
Joyous voices sweet and clear,
sing the sad of heart to cheer.
Ding, dong, ding, dong!
Christmas bells are ringing.

Caroling, caroling, through the town;
Christmas bells are ringing.
Caroling, caroling, up and down,
Christmas bells are ringing.
Mark ye well the song we sing.
Gladsome tidings now we bring.
Ding, dong, ding, dong!
Christmas bells are ringing.

Caroling, caroling, near and far;
Christmas bells are ringing.
Following, following yonder star,
Christmas bells are ringing.
Sing we all this happy morn:
"Lo, the King of Heav'n is born!"
Ding, dong, ding, dong!
Christmas bells are ringing.

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Caroling, Caroling

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