O, who are these that throng the way
to Bethlehem, to Bethlehem,
And onward press in glad array,
all on a Christmas morning.
Good Christian men and maids they are
from countries near and lands afar,
Allured by yonder beckoning start,
all on a Christmas morning.
What do they hasten thence to see
in Bethlehem, in Bethlehem,
That they fare forth so merrily,
all on a Christmas morning?
O, they a vision fair would view,
would find the beautiful and true,
And faith and hope and love renew,
all on a Christmas morning.
And what is this they're carrying
to Bethlehem, to Bethlehem,
What is it in their arms they bring,
all on a Christmas morning?
They bear good gifts in rich excess
of love and joy and thankfulness,
With which mankind they fain would bless,
all on a Christmas morning.
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